
Drilling a borehole for Kanyaluo region

After having conducted series of tours in the Kanyaluo region, we realized that there is water strains and shortage for domestic consumption, on our realization that the main source of water comes from mainly rain runoffs which are collected in ponds and are as well used by both human and animals, this got into our heart and decided to conduct research and maybe find a solution to this situation. 

  • Raised: $2344
  • 9 Donors
  • Goal: $30000

The burden of having to walk for miles to reach to a water collection-point is a great challenge especially to most women, children and even animals. This also makes it difficult for the school going children to balance between going for water and spending time to study. 

With enough and reliable water supply, the standards of hygiene will greatly improve. This means that water related diseases like bilharzia, typhoid and cholera will be at bay.  

Famers within the area are also going to benefit in good crop production which is going to buttle poverty and give food security in the communities affected. 


With your HELP and compassion, we want to restore hope and good life quality to many communities that are also buttling with the same problem. Therefore, drilling a borehole with a pump is the reliable, hygienical and affordable option to help solve this crisis. The process of drilling a borehole in its entirety costs between Ksh 1.2 million (approx. $12.000) and Ksh 3 million (approx. $30.000).

Updates of the project and donations will be open through pictures and videos on or websites and social media at large.

Get involved and save lives now!