self-help programs

self-help programs

“Give someone a fish and they eat for a day. Teach someone to fish and they will feed a lifetime.“ 

TrueWorldHelp Organization has self-help programs that gives support, guidance and empowerment to the hopeless and poor widows in different countries, cities and communities at large.

This program is meant to help poor Widows overcome poverty and hunger on their own. The widows are guided by coordinators who have volunteered for this work to give them sense of self-worth, their right to have and to determine choices, their right to have access to opportunities and resources, their right to have power to control their own lives both within and outside the home, and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more social and economic order, nationally and internationally. 

In order to secure a long-term success of the project, we are offering Adult Education with Training courses and information campaigns that raises awareness on building self-confidence, expansion of choices, increased access to have control over resources, and actions to transform the structures. The resources needed for this project are funded by the Organization.  

They form groups twice a week, and each group implements specific tasks, guided by the coordinators and initially by trainers who brings specific skills to the groups. The Widows are supported to practice their talents like sewing clothes, Hairdressing, faming, making beads, weaving baskets, making bags, making local butter, tie and dyes, etc.  

The program has already had some positive results in some areas, as most of the items produced by these widows can be sold in their respective local markets. This has a direct effect on the living situation of widows. 

TWH Organization helps launch these programs and groups, find and guide appropriate coordinators and volunteers, and provide regular support in various communities.  

It often doesn’t take much for a family to break a cycle of poverty and become independent.  

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